Linnia Katherine HaddoxLina C. Haddox, single white birth, born at Hillsborough to Clinton B. Haddox, farmer of Hillsborough, and Sarah D. Haddox his wife. (*Register of Births :47 {Rappahannock Co. Court House, VA}, 1864.05.30) See father’s Notes for 1870 Federal Census entry, mother’s for 1880 & 1900, brother Warren’s for 1900 through 1920, & son Warren’s for 1930 entry. 1940 Federal Census (1940.04.01, Recorded 1940.04.10) Route 631, Wakefield Dist., Rappahannock Co., VA - ED 79-12, Sh 6(940)A, Ln 21, #93. - Sothoron, Kate H. Head, 65 year old widowed white female, born in Virginia, school code C-2, owns her farm home valued at $1,000(sic). Lived in same house on 1 April 1935. Not employed; had other income >$50. Farm Schedule #39. -----, Mortimer. Son, 46 year old married white male, born in Virginia (sic), school code H-2. Lived in same house on 1 April 1935. Occupation Farmer, working on Own Account; was working the week of 24-30 March 1935. Had income >$50 from other source(s). - Jones, Ida. Cook, 40 year old single negro female, born in Virginia, school code 0. Lived in same house on 1 April 1935. Occupation Cook in Private Home; was working as same for the week of 24-30 March 1940. -----, Mary J. Maid, 15 year old single negro female, born in Virginia, school code 0. Lived in same house on 1 April 1935. Occupation Maid in Private Home; was working as same for the week of 24-30 March 1940. George Mortimer Sothoron, 32 year old single pharmacist, born & lives in Washington, D.C., son of George M. & Louisa S. Sothoron, married on 12 April 1888, Laninia Catherine Haddox, 24 year old, single, born & lives in Rappahannock Co., VA, daughter of Clinton B. & Sarah D. Haddox. Ceremony by Jos. R. Jones. (Marriage Records, 1833-1854. :42 {Rappahannock Co., VA Court House}) A BRILLIANT WEDDING - Mr. Editor–On last Thursday, 12th inst., there were present at the residence of Mrs. S. D. Haddox, of Hillsboro, Rappahannock county, a large and fashionable assemblage to witness the celebration of the rites of Matrimony between Dr. G. M. Sothoron, of Washington, D.C., and her daughter, Miss Linia K. Haddox. My pen cannot do justice to the occasion; to its wit, beauty and the enjoyment of all present.– At one o’clock an elegant and substantial lunch was served, making us feel at peace with all the world and serenely content and happy. The time eagerly looked for at last arrived, and precisely at three o’clock, the Bridal party, preceded by Mr. Tucker Chelf and Harry Davis as ushers, and Miss Clara McVicar and G. Davis as second attendants, and Miss Mannie Ficklin and H. Haddox as the first attendants, entered and took their places. Next came Miss Sadie Haddox and Sayres Yates with their floral offerings, which they lavishly strewed in the pathway of the bride, who entered leaning upon the arm of her brother, Mr. N. R. Haddox, and the groom upon that of his best man, W. P. Berry, of Washington, D. C., while Mendellsohn’s Wedding March was beautifully rendered by Miss Lily Clarke, near Flint Hill, Va. The beautiful and impressive Wedding Service of the Episcopal Church was then read by Rev. Joseph R. Jones by which the happy pair were made one. The Bride and her Maids were attired in elegant travelling costumes of Nile Green Serge, Surah Silk Trimmings, while the gentlemen were attired in the Conventional Black.– The presents of the bride were numerous and costly, the groom giving her a handsome Piano.– After the ceremony, the party were ushered into the refreshment room, and after refreshments, took Hacks for Front Royal where, upon their arrival, by previous arrangements, the Host and Hostess of the Hotel Exchange had prepared an elegant and elaborate Supper. The wedding party left Front Royal by S. V. R. R. for a tour through Canada, and upon their return will make their future home in Washington, D. C. May God’s sweetest favor always go with them and rest upon them. HARRY (Newspaper Clipping - Effects of Linnia Katherine Haddox Sothoron) Baptism on 16 March 1890 of Linnia Katharine Sothoron, who was born at Flint Hill, VA on 31 May 1865 to Clinton B. & Sarah D. Haddox. Witnessed by George M. Sothoron & Amanda J. Haddox. Service by Rev. J. A. Regester. Listed also in section on confirmations. (St. John’s Parish Register, 1888-1908. 5:166,316, Georgetown) See husband’s Notes for children’s baptisms. Mentioned by name in obituaries of husband & of brother Elroy, son George’s Marriage Record, and Death Certificates of both sons. Also mentioned in newspaper accounting of wedding of niece Eleanor Haddox (daughter of Horace). See respective Notes. Was executor & sole heir to her brother Warren's estate (see his Notes). ** Land records - Rappahannock Co., VA Deed 0f 3 June 1902 between Norbert R. Haddox & wife Sarah R.; and W.A. Haddox, E.C. Haddox, Edwina C. Davis (wife of W.C. Davis), Kate L. Sothoron (wife of Geo. M. Sothoron), & Horace B. Haddox. For $1334.60 Norbert & wife convey all rights & interest in real estate of C.B. Haddox dec’d, about 500 acres, in Rappahannock Co., VA & adjoining lands of D.H. Gordon & others. Certified 3 June 1902, filed at Rappahannock Co., VA on 28 July 1902. (Deeds V:515, Rappahannock Co., VA) Deed of Trust between Warren A. Haddox, K.L. Sothoron, widow, H.B. Haddox & Mary Lee Haddox his wife; and George W. Settle, trustee. Parties of first part noted to be in debt to J.M. Steck, guardian for Lucy Ann & Mary Smith Knizel to the sum of $7000, as evidenced by a 6% joint & several bond. Deeded tract of 503 acres in Wakefield District, known as the Clinton B. Haddox estate. Note in margin that debt was paid in full 8/9/1921. (Deed Book 28:399, 1917.10.01, Recorded 1917.10.01) Mortgage of 1 Oct 1923 from L. Kate Sothoron, widow, of Rappahannock Co, VA, to Federal Land Bank of Baltimore, to secure $2500 loan. To be repaid in 68 semi-annual payments of $81.25 each, with annual interest rate of 5 ½%. In trust with general warranty for property in Wakefield Dist., Rappahannock Co., VA, containing about 475 acres, adjoining lands of P.B. Eastham, W.A. Jordan’s estate, J.A. Fletcher, W.P. Slaughter & others, being lands of C.B. Haddox dec’d. Pertinent records: 26:397, W:227, V:515, 28:396, H:415. Conveyance is subject to prior mortgage from Warren A. Haddox, dec’d to Federal Land Bank of Baltimore. - Certified 1 Oct 1923, recorded 13 Oct 1923 at Rappahannock Co., VA. (Farm Loans 1:49) Reamortization agreement of 12 May 1936 between L. Kate Sothoron of Rappahannock Co., VA, assumptor of mortgage; and Federal Land Bank of Baltimore. As of 14 Jan 1935 there is an outstanding loan of $10,000 plus taxes and delinquent interest due, on loan No. 6086, dated 14 July 1921, executed by Warren A. Haddox & L. Kate Sothoron & recorded 9 Aug 1921 in Farm Loan Mtg. Book 1:25. Agreed that, beginning on 14 July 1935, Sothoron will pay $350 semiannually on 14th of Jan & July, with final payment of $291.86 on 14 Jan 1968, representing principal of $10,000 with interest of 6% per annum for 33 years. Original mortgage otherwise unchanged. Certified by Sothoron 12 May 1936 at Rappahannock Co., VA; by Federal Land Bank of Baltimore the same day. Recorded at Rappahannock Co., VA on 1 Sept 1936. (Deeds 40:63, Rappahannock Co., VA) By & between James W. Fletcher, Special Commissioner for the Circuit Court of RAP, in the Chancery cause pending therein the style of Federal Land Bank of Baltimore, a corporation, versus James M Lillard, Sheriff of RAP, and as such administrator d.b.n. c.t.a. of the estate of Warren A. Haddox, deceased,, party of the first part; and Dr. Lyle J. Millan III of Baltimore .....(party of the second part)... - Pursuant to a decree of said court in said cause entered 1/27/1947, Fletcher was named Special Commissioner. Real portion of the estate was sold at public auction on 4/5/1947, the highest bid being $21,450, entered by Millan. Sale was reported to the Court 6/16/47 and recorded 7/25/47. Deed delivered with special warranty. Parties on whose behalf this conveyance is made & set out: the heirs & devisees of Warren A. Haddox, and the heirs and devisees of L. Kate Sothoron. 475 acres in all. The included land was obtained: - As heir of Clinton B. Haddox, E. Clifton Haddox, by deed from W.G. Davis, by deed from F.P. Carter, and by 2 deeds from Norbert R. Haddox & his wife. - References: Deed books: 28:397, W:227, V:515, 28:396. See brother Warren's Notes for additional land records. ** Miscellaneous (personal knowledge of WHS*) Known as "Kate," she and her husband separated while her 2 sons were still very young (they were in Virginia for the 1900 Federal Census). The "whispered" family story was that her husand had repeaated financial problems & was not caring for the family. Kate's brother apparently got her & her sons, and took them back to "Hillsboro" in Rappahannock Co., where the boys were raised. I don't believe they were ever formally divorced.
Mort stayed on the farm until his death. My father moved to Baltimore in about 1934 "to earn some money to get married." Kate was known by her grandchildren as "Mama Big."
Her tombstone identifies her as the wife of George M. Sothoron, M.D. This was my mother’s doing–Kate’s husband was a pharmacist and not an M.D.
Signature on one of her personal notes:
Given under my hand this 28th day of February, 1944. G. M. Sothoron, Administrator. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 28th day of February, 1944. Jas. M. Settle, Clerk of the Circuit Court. (Wills K:481, Rappahannock Co., VA) ** Death
Linnia Katherine Sothoron, a widowed white female, died at 3 p.m. on 2 January 1943, at 804 St. Paul Street, Baltimore City, MD. She had been at this address for 9 days; her usual residence was Flint Hill, Rappahannock Co., VA. Usual occupation was House wife in farming industry/business. She was born on May 31, 1863 at Flint Hill, Va., and was 79 years, 7 months, 2 days of age. Her husband was George Mortimer Sothoron. Her parents were Clifton Haddox (born Flint Hill, VA) & Dorothy Smith (born Fauquier, VA). Informant was LT(jg) Horace Haddox of 1028 Poplar Grove St. - Cause of death was Coronary Thrombosis, due to Chr. Heart Disease, due to Cardiac Insufficiency. Other Conditions included Bronchitis (Broncho-Pneumonia). Certification was by Lyle J. Millan, M.D., of 518 Cathedral St. on 1-2-42. He had attended her from 11-1-1942 to day of death, having last seen her alive 12-2-1942. - Arrangements for removal to Front Royal, VA were made by Harry H. Witzke, 4101 Edmondson Ave. (Death Certificate # F99411) L. KATHERINE HADDOX Click here to view individual's memorial and/or information on the "Find A Grave" site. People PageCopyright © 2005-2017 |